Friday, August 24, 2012

DVM 2014 Block 1 of 16 ...

    The first course of the third year for DVM 2014 is winding down.  CVM faculty are reporting back from our many locations: Dr. Dawes from Nebraska, Dr. Kidd from Costa Rica,  Dr. Gordon-Ross from a plane on the tarmack of an airport preparing for take off and myself from Seattle.  Dr. Cole is at home base in Pomona.  We are having challenges with remote reporting software, getting ground transportation arranged, getting hotels accommodations worked out.  We are becoming well seasoned Veterinary Nomads.   

     We start a new course every two weeks all year with quarter (exam) breaks and holidays.  My lab animal medicine and research course students will spend 2 weeks in zoo medicine (eg Los Angeles Zoo), 2 weeks in surgery (Upland Animal Shelter)  and 2 weeks in pathology (Antech Diagnostics).  This is the Misc. block or Quarter and all students return to the Pomona campus for exams at the end of the quarter. Other quarters are Large Animal (Nebraska, etc.), small animal and Population/Public Health/Food Safety.

       This distributive model requires travel and technology.  I am working with the new Microsoft Web Access and SkyDrive for my course.  Being in Seattle, I can get assistance from the Microsoft Store at University Village with support staff who really understand what we need and are EXCITED about what we are doing.  WesternU CVM is truly leading from the edge.

      DVM 2014 is hanging in and doing amazing work.  The local feedback about our student's performance on their debut in the bigger veterinaryprofessional world makes it all worthwhile.  We are off to a great start to the year!   First course down and only 15 to go.

Veterinary Nomad Journal 8-24-12

Saturday, August 18, 2012

On the Road Again

       The DVM Class of 2016 has survived orientation and the first week of vet school.   The 2015s have arrived and are feeling like they never left.  The 2014s have been launched into full Nomad mode.

       I have my first third year site visits itineraries set and now I am reviewing my travel gear and preparing to get traveling.  First stop was the Eddie Bauer Outlet in Camarillo.  They have some great travel gear at a price that typically beats regular travel stores.  Magellan's and TravelSmith are other favorite travel gear shops.  The TravelSmith Packing Center is a useful site for resources for the world traveler.  Check out the printable packing list.

   Join me on Pinterest and for my Products I Love for Travel Pinterest board.  

   Happy travels!
  DMcClureDVM Veterinary Nomad  8-18-12