Saturday, January 21, 2012

Travel Tips:

As an urban Veterinary Nomad, I am motivated to find the best value for the dollar.  Finding safe and functional lodging for the students traveling to sites I coordinate is part of my responsibilities.  When searching for answers to "Where to Stay? Where to Eat? or What to Do? is a great place to start.  Many hotels have solicited follow up reviews and given bonus reward points or a discount on your next stay for a Trip Advisor review.  This usually comes after positive comments from a post-stay survey.  Trip Advisor is social.  You can connect through Facebook and see where friends have been or have posted reviews.  I know you anti-social media folks always say that your are not interested in knowing that Diane is having a coffee.  But if you want to know about the best cup of coffee or even where you can get a cup of coffee near the conference hotel - go social.

Trip Advisor is mobile and it functions with GPS so you can review EAT, STAY OR DO options around your current location.  This is great when you are with folks and the dreaded question, "Where shall we go to eat?" comes up.  Instantly, minds go blank.  Everyone wants someone to offer a suggestion.  Any suggestion.  Not that the suggestion will be accepted.  Folks just want an offering to evaluate, criticize and reject.  When I use my iPad and TripAdvisor provides a list of restaurant near us, he group begins to ranks and prioritize the list.  The decision shifts to ranking the possibilities at hand.  The restaurant price is too high, it is too far, we need vegetarian options...and we can consider the reviews.  All of this decision making is an imminent consumer action.  This is why TripAdvisor reviews are so important.

I challenge you to take some time to write positive reviews.  This is a meaningful way to say thank you.  Help me keep good places in business!  It is easy to complain.   Remember, every place will have instances of disappointments.  The origin of TIPS  was To Insure Prompt Service.  TIPS were meant to be positive reinforcement for good service.  Now we also have the ability to reinforce good service or quality.  Remember the names of the front desk clerk or the morning breakfast attendant and use them in your reviews.  I find the best places have low turn over of staff and you can become a "regular" even if you are a Nomad.  It makes everyplace feel more like home because you have connected to the people there.  I am proud to state that I have become a Senior Reviewer on TripAdvisor.  Won't you join me?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Veterinary Nomad - First Site Visit for 2012

Veterinary Nomad - First Site Visit for 2012

It's been a whole month since I have been on a plane...and yes! I still can do leisure! Even "chores" are pleasant pass times. While folks were singing "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" I was thinking, "Forget that, I'll keep this fabulous Southern California sunshine.".

We are back in gear on campus. We started the term with a physiology lab activity. Dr. Joe Bertone lead the activity which focused on NEUROANATOMIC DIAGNOSIS. The nervous system controls locomotion. Figuring out what's wrong with the locomotion is the first step to determining where the problem is located in the nervous system. The same principles can be applied to a horse or to a snake. "It's simple!" says Dr. Bertone.

So here I sit at the Ontario Airport practicing my skills with a species that I haven't studied, the human. I watch the Road Warriors who have just arrived from San Francisco International exit Gate 201. Everyone looks weary. They've had a long day. Everyone has carry-on bags rolling behind them, but and most have a heavy personal item that is causing a sideways list. Four out of the first eight passengers are limping. Badly limping. Immediately check out their shoes. The shoes are sensible. They have low-heels and seem to fit. I don't think anyone has neurological, but repeatedly being stuffed in a 13 row Canadair Regional Jet (CRJ200) and carrying heavy bags can result in chronic pain and striking degree of lameness in the modern Road Warrior.

A month has been long enough for me to forget the shoulder that had begun to be a pain. Watching the Road Warriors has reminded me why I added exercise gear to my carry-on. Now I just have to remember how to use it.

Diane McClure, Veterinary Nomad
Journal Entry. 1-11-12

P.S. I'm no longer the Foursquare Mayor of Ontario Baggage claim # 2...and I'm not trying to get it back. Anyone else on Foursquare?

Sent from my iPad